I never intended to make this a "travel blog." I never even intended to travel this much. While it would be a complete lie to say I would be perfectly content to just stay in this corner of Ohio and read about the great big world, which actually does occur in copious amounts for my major of choice, I also realize that I am a college kid, on a college budget. And sometimes I wonder if it's selfish to want to go everywhere. After all, I'm only 20, who do I think I am?
Except I love it. I love seeing new places, doing new things, learning about the world. I love that even though a trip may last only a few days, the memories (and pictures!) last much longer.
Within the past year, I've been privileged to travel, both internationally and domestically. Spring Break 2013 was Venice, Florida. One weekend in April I got to see Cincinnati. Summer 2013, of course, was the life-changing summer of Spain. In August I toured Washington DC. I trekked to Indianapolis numerous times. There have been drives out to Iowa. Christmas Break 2013 ended in an unforgettable retreat in Chicago. Looking forward, I will be spending a week in New York City for the national conference of Model United Nations. But first? I'll be headed, in exactly 11 days, down south to... El Salvador!
I haven't even left yet, and this trip is already challenging me. But I'm also brimming with anticipation.
The last minute decision to leave the country for spring break, the vagueness of the details, and never having been south of the border all combine to leave me with virtually no idea what I'm in for. But I am headed there with some of my closest friends, an experienced traveler to this region, and a laid-back, come-what-may attitude. Also, it helps that last week the temperatures there were literally 100 degrees warmer than the temperatures here.
Oh, and I am beyond thrilled that I once again get to employ my Spanish language ability! Though I'm a bit rusty since August, it will feel so good to be back in that environment again, and I'm hoping I can improve immensely in a short time.
Here's to Spring Break 2014!